The joint committee report to the 08-14-2017 eNAP meeting
Post date: Aug 16, 2017 7:45:30 PM
Joint Committee for Forming an Electronic Association AMENDED Report
The joint committee for formation of an electronic association, was established by a resolution adopted by eNAP at its April 10, 2017 meeting and concurred in by the Young Professional Parliamentary Practice Unit (YP3U) and the E-Grant Unit (E-Grant). The committee originally consisted of Weldon Merritt, representing eNAP; Evan Lemoine, representing YP3U; and Mary Grant, representing E-Grant. As so constituted, the committee met by teleconference on May 11, 2017 to begin discussion of the possible formation of an electronic association. As a result of that meeting, the committee recommended amendment of the resolution to include a representative of the newly chartered Green Gavel Electronic Unit (GGEU), as well as several other changes to the resolving clauses.
At the June 12, 2017 eNAP meeting, the initial resolution was amended to incorporate the changes recommended by the joint committee. GGEU then was invited to designate a member of the committee, and they did so, adding unit president Lucy Anderson as the fourth committee member. Following addition of the fourth member, the committee met again by teleconference on June 7, 2017, with the original three members in attendance; and on July 25, 2017, with all four members in attendance.
The committee has now completed its draft of the bylaws (with provisos) and standing rules for the to-be Electronic Association of Parliamentarians (EAP). Copies of the documents, which have been approved by the NAP Bylaws Committee, are available at the following links:
Bylaws, with provisos
Standing Rules
The resolution creating the joint committee, as amended at the June 12, 2017 eNAP meeting, included the following resolving clauses:
3. That once the joint committee has completed its draft of the proposed association bylaws, the bylaws be submitted for ratification by each of the units represented on the joint committee; and
4. That upon ratification of the proposed association bylaws by at least three units, the ratifying units jointly apply to NAP for an electronic association charter.
The Chairman has been advised that YP3U and E-Grant already have ratified the bylaws, and that GGEU is expected to consider the bylaws at its August 24 meeting. If eNAP or GGEU (preferably both) now ratify the EAP bylaws, the Application for Charter can be submitted shortly thereafter. The NAP Executive Director has assured the chairman that if the application is submitted by the week of August 28, the charter can be issued before the NAP Convention, and possibly can be presented during the Convention. In accordance with Proviso 3, the EAP president pro tem will then call a special meeting to elect permanent association officers.
Unfortunately, it appears likely that the committee chairman will be unable to attend the August unit meeting (or if present, only very briefly). He and his wife will be leaving the day of the meeting for a trip in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary occurring later that week. Committee members Evan Lemoine and Mary Grant are expected to be present, however.
The joint committee for formation of an electronic association recommends and requests that eNAP ratify the EAP Bylaws and Standing Rules as presented.
-- Weldon Merritt, PRP